Reserve Guidelines
Place Materials on Reserve
All faculty must complete a Reserve Materials Form.
When completing the Reserve Materials form, you must include your full name, the course name and number, and your signature indicating you have read the copyright compliance clause. Please refer to our Copyright Policy for more information.
You have two options to place materials on reserve:
- Gather all materials and bring them to the circulation desk. To guarantee your materials will be processed by the first week of classes, bring all materials at least three weeks before classes begin. Circulation staff will assist you with any problems you may encounter in finding materials.
- We will gather the materials for you. This option may present delays due to:
- Incomplete or illegible citations.
- The material may not be available at the library. Some items may need to be recalled from circulation. This will result in a one to two week delay, provided the patron returns the item promptly.
- Items need to be purchased.
All reserve requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis. Materials will not be available for student use until fully processed.
All materials will be taken off Reserve at the end of each semester.
- If the same material is being used for the following semester and complies with the copyright laws, you should contact the Reserves coordinator, prior to the end of the semester.
- At the end of the semester, personal items will be removed from course reserves and returned to you. Library materials will be returned to the general collection.
If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please contact the circulation desk or email
In order to make your reserve assignments as accessible as possible, the following policies have been established:
- All Books, AV materials, and photocopies placed on reserve are available at the circulation desk on the first floor of the library.
- Length of loan alternatives are as follows:
- Two hours
- Four hours
- Twenty-four hours
- Three days
- Seven days
- In general, the library allows the number of copies of a book or AV materials placed on reserve to be one copy for every twenty five students.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to copyright compliance, no more than one photocopy of the same item may be placed on reserve for more than one term. Pages from workbooks and answer keys may not be copied at all.
- The library can only accommodate up to twenty-five books and/or articles, plus twenty-five videotapes/discs per course; therefore, reserve materials should be limited to required readings and/or viewings.
- The library reserves the right to place any material on reserve. This may include titles in high demand and/or titles used as course textbooks.
- Photocopies of articles placed on reserve are furnished by the instructor. They will be returned at the end of each semester.
- Statistics on the total use of each instructor’s reserve items are available upon request at the end of each semester. In accordance with the policy statement of the Intellectual Freedom Committee of the American Library Associates, all library circulation records are confidential and we cannot furnish names of individual users.
- When the instructor provides photocopies and/or unpublished works, he/she must sign the copyright liability clause on the Reserve Materials form or the items will not be placed on reserve. All items on reserve must comply with copyright law.
- Instructors will be responsible for obtaining copyright permission when necessary. You must be able to provide the library with a photocopy of the permission form.
The library reserves the right to reject any materials that is not in compliance with copyright law. Please refer to our Copyright Policy for Reserves for more information.